E5: How To Build Connection & Intimacy Through Daily Habits


How To Connect With Your Partner - EP10 - Podcast

In this week’s session, we talk about building intimacy through daily habits. Lack of connection or intimacy is the number one challenge in marriages today. Not only is a strong connection needed to build a strong marriage, but it’s also a requirement for finding the joy and happiness you long for in your blended family.

John Gottman at The Gottman Institute has researched marriages for decades and has found that he is able to predict whether or not a couple will stay together or divorce with over 90% accuracy. His research shows that couples who build daily connections through “Love Maps” have a much higher chance of staying married over the long haul.

With over 60% of blended family marriages ending in divorce, it is essential that couples learn to connect first with themselves and then, with each other before attending to the children. This center hub or unit (the marriage) is what enables a blended family to thrive.

In this episode, we cover some ways to create connection throughout the day in the realms of the intellect, spirit, emotions, and touch.

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If you’d like to watch on video, you can catch us on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwiREhjQyeDIp9MAYXfjfzg/

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