E6: Let’s Talk About Sex | Intimacy in Blended Family Marriage

sex in a blended family

It’s near Valentine’s Day and what is a better topic to talk about than sex? In this episode, Daun and Travis talk about the subject of what happens in the bedroom and specific issues around intimacy and sex. Spouses in blended families run into special concerns when it comes to connection and intimacy. In this…

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E5: How To Build Connection & Intimacy Through Daily Habits

How To Connect With Your Partner - EP10 - Podcast

In this week’s session, we talk about building intimacy through daily habits. Lack of connection or intimacy is the number one challenge in marriages today. Not only is a strong connection needed to build a strong marriage, but it’s also a requirement for finding the joy and happiness you long for in your blended family. John Gottman…

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